RBI Grade B Preparation Strategy 2018

Here are some strategies that will help you to prepare for RBI grade B examination.
#1.Syllabus & Mark Distribution
·        First of all you should be aware about the syllabus and marks distribution for each topic.
·        You should also know about the marks distribution of different sections. This will let you know on which section you should focus on.
Check the different topics and their marks distribution for this exam in the RBI Grade B Syllabus below.
RBI Grade B Syllabus 2018
#2. How to Prepare General Awareness
·        By and large, cover all news updates from last 4-5 months till the last week of examination.
·        Read Daily Current Affairs on Testbook’s Current Affairs App and attempt Quiz based on them to evaluate your awareness. Also refer to Monthly current affairs capsules and yearly reviews for more updates.
#3. How to Prepare English
·        Around 5-10 questions in the examination will be based on Grammar concepts like Tenses, Articles, Prepositions etc.
·        Other important questions are based on Vocabulary.
·         The key to solve English section efficiently is to improve your Vocabulary and your knowledge in English grammar.
·        This can be done by reading English newspaper and books. Note down the difficult words , see their meaning and also synonyms and antonyms.
·        Practice more quizzes and tests.
·        Check the article below for more tips and strategies.
How to prepare English for various Bank Exams
#3. How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude
Follow the tips given below to solve the trickiest part of the examination i.e.Quantitative aptitude.
·        Being calm is the first and most important part of this section.
·        Follow these tips for important topics from Quant sections to excel in the exam.
·        This part carries 20% of marks in quant section. Try to solve these questions initially.
·        The concepts are easy to understand in this topic. You just need to practice quick mental calculations to save time. Practice problems on BODMAS Rule, Approximations, Square & Cubes, Surds & Indices, Decimals, and Percentages.

Number Series
·        Right approach towards the question is all that is required to solve this topic easily and quickly.
·        Practice atleast 300 questions of number series. This will help you to identify the pattern quickly. Do not waste more than 30 seconds on one question.
Data Interpretation (DI)
·        Practice DI daily. Make sure to solve 1 set on each topic of DI.
·        You can expect maximum 2 DI sets in this exam out of which 2-3 questions are very easy to solve.
·        The questions will be limited to concepts involving just three chapters: Percentages, Averages, and Ratios
How to Prepare Quant for Various Bank Exams
#4. How to Prepare Reasoning
Reasoning is considered to be the most time consuming section of the examination. Follow the given below strategy.
·        Practicing maximum number of problems is the best way to score high in this section.
·        Do not spend time in difficult questions. Solve easy questions first.
·        Give maximum 5-7 minutes to difficult questions.
·        Next attempt the problems based on Input Output, Syllogisms, Blood Relations and Directions & Distances.
·        At last attempt the Puzzles and Seating Arrangement within 10 minutes. For more tips go on below given link.
How to Prepare Reasoning for Various Bank Exams
#5. Go through Previous Year Questions Papers
·        Solve previous years’ question for practice and evaluate your exam preparation.
#6. Know How to Manage Time
Time management is an essential part of great results. Systematically assign time to each section. For a detailed list of time management tips, go through our article here.
As we all know, practice is the key to success. Therefore, boost your preparation by starting your practice now.


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